Description of the "lowlevel.dll" library

In the versions of the "PIC18F programmer" from 1.13 all low-level function of the access to the microcontroller are exported to the dinamic link library "lowlevel.dll" that is available with the source code. Now user who is programmer can add the support of his programmer to the "PIC18F programmer".

There are some requirements on the hardware of the programmer. The programmer must provide the function of the direct control from the computer of the following microcontroller pins state:
1) Vpp (programming voltage);
2) SDATA (serial data);
3) SCLK (clock).
Also programmer must read SDATA pin state to the computer.

Library structure

In the way of editing the library source code or by writting the own library user can add the support of his programmer to the program "PIC18F programmer". The library "lowlevel.dll" must have the following functions:
- initialization of the comunication resource (for an example of the COM-port);
- reading of the microcontroller SDATA pin state;
- writing of the microcontroller Vpp, SDATA, SCLK pins states;
- closing of the comunication resource;
- getting the type of the supported programmer hardware and the library version.
Syntax and description of the functions is placed in the head comment of the library source code.

Download source code of "lowlevel.dll" library for COMPIC-1

If you have questions about the library write me to the e-mail that you can find on the site's main page.


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